Taper Capable Bottle Labeler With Spring Plate
This is for standard round, straight-sided bottles or tapered bottles and square, oval and odd shaped bottles. The spring plate facilitates label application on non-round bottles. It can handle 1" to 12" diameter round and tapered bottles and a 12" diameter roll. It can handle a label height of up to 6 3/4" and a 12" long bottle on round and tapered bottles. It can handle a 3" wide and 8" tall label (heal to shoulder) on square, oval and odd shaped bottles and most bottle heights will fit. The label must come off of the roll with the top edge leading. Instructions to the printer would be: #1 set up. For square, oval and odd shaped bottles labeled front and back expect 6 bottles/minute on the square machine.
This machine comes with or without a bottle guide (for round and tapered bottles) for front and back labels.
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